An Analysis of Mead,
Mead Making and the Role of its Primary Constituents
Daniel S. McConnell and Kenneth D. Schramm* Technical Director,
G.W.Kent and President, The Yeast Culture Kit Company
*Director, The Mazer Cup Mead Competition
" From the bonny bells of heather,
They brewed a drink long-syne,
Was sweeter far than honey,
Was stronger far than wine.
They brewed it and they drank it,
And lay in blessed swound
For days and days together
In their dwellings underground. "
R.L. Stevenson
Heather Ale
Since such a tremendous part of the character of mead is
derived from the honey we use, we thought that we should first take a look at honey, and
then concentrate on those variables and components that we can control which might improve
our mead making.
For the purposes of brevity, when we discuss the values of
honey, those values are based on averages determined in an analysis of 490 samples of
honey conducted by the Honey Investigations Unit of the Plant Products Laboratory of the
U.S.D.A. This information was collected and published by Dr. Jonathan W. White[1,2], who
was the chief of the Plant Products Lab, and to whom we owe credit for most of the
information here. Certain floral varieties of honey may differ markedly from these
averages, and we will make an effort to note when those differences should have noticeably
good or bad effects on your mead making efforts.
Honey is obviously the product of the collection of nectar
by honeybees. Not much is known about nectar. Perhaps the government does not think that
it is worth the effort to collect it the way it pretty much has to be collected: one
bee-full at time. Nectar is a complex sugar blend consisting primarily of sucrose, as well
as levulose and dextrose. The bees add enzymes, and transfer the nectar to a honey stomach
from which it is regurgitated into cells in the comb when they return to the colony.
Additional enzymes are added, the cells are hermetically sealed, and the honey is then
permitted to "ripen," meaning that the enzymatic activity occurs which gives the
honey its final sugar blend. Bees do also collect pollen, which provides the protein
portion of their diet, but pollen is not integral to the production of honey. The nectar
source determines most of the variable characteristics about honey, including sugar
balance, color, scent and flavor. The F.D.A. holds that a plant or blossom must serve as
the chief floral source in order for the honey to be labeled as such.
The vast majority of beekeepers fall into the hobbyist/part
time beekeeper category, with fewer than 25 hives. These apiarists account for 50% of the
colonies in the country, and about 40% of domestic production. The average colony produces
just under 70 pounds of honey per year. An estimated 3.2 million colonies produced roughly
250 million pounds of honey with a value of about $124 million.[3] Others, and probably
more important when one wishes to obtain a single source honey, are professional
pollenators. These are individuals who provide a valuable service to fruit growers by
bringing their bees which pollinate their trees and plants. A by-product of this
pollenation is a single source honey.
Honey is quality graded into four classes which are based on
a combination of flavor, clarity, absence of defects and moisture content. For our
purposes, we would recommend using only Grade A (Fancy) or Grade B (Choice). This will be
expanded on this later.
Honey is color graded into seven categories by the U.S.D.A.,
and these do not have any bearing on quality. Honey should not be judged on the basis of
color, as some of the most distinctively and strongly flavored honeys, such as basswood,
are very light, while very mild and pleasant honeys such as tulip poplar can be quite
dark. Honey color is based on the Pfund Scale in millimeters; the common names for the
range of standards from lightest to darkest are: Water White, Extra White, White, Amber,
Amber, and Dark Amber. Honey has an average specific gravity of 1.41, which gives it a
weight of about 11 pounds, l2 ounces to the gallon. Although the sugars in honey have more
sweetening power, due to moisture content, honey matches the sweetening power of sucrose
(table sugar) pound for pound.
The moisture content of honey plays a critical role in its
quality. Honey is very hygroscopic, which means that it will absorb moisture from the air.
Honey, on the average, contains 17.2% water by weight. Grades A and B must not have more
than 18.6% moisture. Grade C honey can contain up to 20% water, and we do not recommend it
for mead making.
The reason that the moisture content of honey is important
is that all unpasteurized honey contains wild yeasts. Due to the high sugar concentration,
these yeasts will pose little risk in low moisture honey because osmosis will draw
sufficient water from the yeast to force them into dormancy. In honey that has a higher
proportion of water, the yeast may survive and cause fermentation to begin in storage.
Honey is comprised of many sugars, and their percentages and
ratios are dynamic dependent on floral variety and storage. The primary sugars[4]
contained in honey are shown below on Table 1.
Table 1. Average Sugar content of Honey
(d-fructose)3 8.2%
(d-glucose)e 31.3%
(table sugar) 1.3%
(& other disaccharide) 7.3%
Other higher sugars 1.5%
The "other higher sugars" which have been
identified in honey are considered to be the by-products of enzymatic activity. Since
enzymatic activity begins at collection and continues from the sealing of the comb through
the extraction and storage process, these sugars will inevitably be present to some
degree. They include erlose, kojibiose, maltotriose, isomaltose and a host of others.
Virtually all of the sugars found in honey are fermentable.
Honey's acidity is masked by its sweetness, but it is
considerable. The pH of honey ranges from 3.4 to around 6.0, with the mean and mode both
being around 3.9. It is important to note that the pH of honey does not directly reflect
the total acid content, but rather reflects the buffering action of the inorganic cation
constituents on the organic acids present.
The primary acid in honey is gluconic acid, and acids
account for 0.57% of honey. Other acids include citric, malic, succinic, formic, acetic,
butyric, lactic, pyroglutanic, and various amino acids. Acid content and variety in honey
is very important to its flavor profile.
Proteins, Solids and Mineral Content
Proteins, and other solids make up 0.26% of honey, and
include all of the nitrogen that your honey provides for the yeast nutritional
requirements other than that which they synthesize themselves. The number and nature of
the protein content is very complex with at least 19 proteins present in addition to
albumin.5,6 Protein varies widely between that honey varieties. Total nitrogen averages
0.043%. Mineral/ash content contributes 0.17% by weight, and while the mineral content is
not substantial, darker honeys have been shown to be substantially richer in minerals than
lighter honeys, particularly potassium, chlorine, sulfur, sodium, iron, manganese and
Enzymes[7] are very critical ingredients in honey. The
sucrose contained in floral nectar is converted into dextrose and levulose (the invert
sugars) by the enzyme invertase, also known as saccharase or sucrase. Invertase activity
is believed to begin in the bee, and continues indefinitely barring excessive heat
exposure. Diastase is also present in honey, along with glucose oxidase, catalase and
Colloids are suspended materials in a given medium, in our
case honey. They do not settle out, and are not readily filtered. Colloids must be assumed
to have appreciable affect on honey flavor, and consist of proteins, waxes, pentosans and
inorganic constituents. They appear to originate both in the bee and from the floral
Flavor and Aroma Substances
Sadly, the finest reference materials available on honey are
inconclusive on the actual flavor causing substances in honey[8]. It has been well
documented that honey will take on many of the flavor and aroma characteristics of the
floral source from which it is produced. Obviously, the predominating flavor of honey is
the complex sweetness arising from the blend of levulose, dextrose, maltose and other
sugars. This blend can vary substantially by floral source; the range of maltose runs from
below 4% to above l2%, and the higher sugars ranged from 0.13% to 8.6%. These variances
will have an impact on the fermentation process and its by-products in mead.
Additionally, the range of mineral content is equally wide.
While there are exceptions to the rule, the higher mineral contents are paired with darker
color and higher pH readings. The mineral content may actually provide valuable nutrients
for the yeast during its activity. In general darker honey has been described as being
stronger in flavor, and this may be the result of that higher mineral content. Sulfur, for
example has been shown to exceed aroma thresholds in dark honey. To further compound the
situation, sodium (a flavor enhancer) has been shown to reach 400 ppm in the darker
honeys, and to be greater than 4-fold higher than that of lighter honey. The averages for
potassium are more than 8-fold higher in dark honey than in light.
Other potentially influential flavor components would
include the acids and their ratios, tannins, and glycoside or alkaloid compounds
contributed to the mix by the floral source. Another known and recognized flavor
contributor is 5- hydroxymethylfurfural, or HMF. It is a by-product of the decomposition
of sugars in the presence of acids. and is a detrimental to honey flavor at higher
concentrations. HMF should be below 40 ppm.
The information on aroma substances is far more complex . It
leans toward the phenyl alcohols and carbonyls. ten Hoopen[9] isolated
dinitropenylhydrazones by chromatography, including formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acetone,
isobutyraldehyde and diacetyl. Cremer and Riedmann[10] identified phenylethyl alcohol,
propionaldehyde and acetone, and later n-pentanol, benzyl alcohol and 3-methyl-1-butanol.
These compounds were present in all of the honeys which they found to be organoleptically
recognizable as honey. Phenylethyl alcohol oxidizes down to phenylacetic acid, and nearly
all phenylacetic esters have been described as having a honey taste and odor.
Other aroma constituents identified include the carbonyls
butyraldehyde, Isovaleraldehyde, methacrolein, and methyl ethyl ketone. Alcohols include
isopropanol, 2-butanol, ethanol and beta methylallyl alcohol. Esters identified were
methyl and ethyl formate.
The compounds dominating the list are phenolic in nature,
and could account for some of the phenolic character attributed to meads, particularly
young meads. Most of these compounds have boiling points below 180 F, and would be subject
to rapid blow-off during boiling. It would also stand to reason that the character which
these compounds create would also be bound to the colloidal substances held in suspension
in unheated and unfiltered honey.
Since ancient times, the antibiotic effects of honey have
been recognized by the medical community. - In 1937 Dold[11] and others measured and
documented the effect, and called it "inbibine". 25 years later, Dr. Jonathan
White and others isolated the exact cause of the anti-bacterial effect: the glucose
oxidase in the honey produces hydrogen peroxide as it acts on glucose to produce
gluconolactone (gluconic acid). This enzyme is heat sensitive, and concentration varies
with floral type.
The variable composition factors which affect honey and
fermentation are: Moisture content (lower moisture means higher percentage of sugar
content), Percent dextrose (lower dextrose means lower crystallization), Complexity of
sugar blend (higher concentrations of maltose and other sugars make for more complex
flavor and aroma variations. This usually also corresponds to lower dextrose levels), pH
(affects fermentation and flavor profile), Total Acid content (flavor), Ash (mineral
content - affects aroma, flavor and fermentation) and nitrogen content (fermentation).
This data is presented on Table 2.
Total acids are expressed as millequivalent/kilogram; it
reflects amount of cationic charge produced by the acids in the solution. The average for
the 490 samples was 29.12; we have weighted our assessment of each honey's acidity against
that value.
Table 2. Honey constituents by variety expressed as
a percentage
Citrus Clover Fireweed Mesquite Rasp. Sage
T.Pop Tupelo
Moisture 16.5 17.7 16.0 15.5 17.4
16.0 17.6 18.2
Levulose 30.9 37.9 39. 3 40.4 34. 5
40.4 34.6 43.3
Dextrose 32.0 31.0 30.7 36.9 28.5
20.2 25.9 26.0
Sucrose 2.8 1.4 1.3 0.95 0.5 1.1 0.7 1.2
Maltose 7.2 7.7 7.1 5.4 5.7 7.4 11.6 0.0
High.Sug. 1.4 1.4 2.1 0.35 3.6 2.4 3.0 1.1
pH 3.84 3.77 3.03 4.20 4.04 3.51 4.45 3.87
Total acid 30.34 26.53 26.77 16.33
39.19 29.10 42.99 36.59
Ash 0.073 0.071 0.108 0.129 0.471 0.108
0.460 0.128
Nitrogen 0.014 0.039 0.032 0.012 0.076
0.037 0.076 0.046
- Citrus:
By analysis of the numbers, citrus honey appears to be an
excellent candidate for brewing. While the dextrose level is a bit high, moisture is low,
pH is in the middle, and ash content is very low. The low nitrogen content might dictate
higher than normal yeast nutrient use. Citrus honey of any blend is marketed as
"Orange Blossom," and is light in flavor and very aromatic. Micah Millspaw has
made some excellent mead from orange blossom honey.
- Clover:
The values shown here are for sweet clover honey, and the
U.S.D.A. has several dozen specimens profiled in their bulletin. Moisture levels tend to
run on the high side, making clover honey a candidate for quick use. As with most of the
lighter flavored honeys, ash content is low, as is total acid content, which would
contribute to a softer flavor profile. It looks like a great case honey for flavored
- Fireweed:
Other than slightly lower than normal total acids and ash,
fireweed honey looks like a very average honey. Fireweed honey did not express a dramatic
nose or flavor, and doesn't seem to create much of a stir as a mead.
- Mesquite:
Not one of our experimental honeys, but a good candidate
by the numbers. High pH is due to lack of total acid, not high ash buffering. This honey
should ferment well with a healthy dose of nitrogen and no pH adjustment. Low moisture and
acid content make for higher sugar content by weight. Low ash should mean light color and
minimal offensive odor or flavor. Might require some acid before bottling for balance,
especially in sweeter meads.
- Raspberry:
Very high ash content may make this honey somewhat
suspect, although it expresses a dynamite nose and flavor out of the jar. Very interesting
sugar blend should create complexity, and high nitrogen should benefit fermentation.
- Sage:
Another low ash, middle-of-the-road sugar blend honey.
Known to be light in flavor with a delicate and inviting aroma. One to be explored.
- Tulip Poplar:
Tulip Poplar honey is a very distinctive honey in aroma,
and although one of the darker honeys, has a mild and appealing flavor. Tulip poplar honey
has a high maltose content, lending to its complexity, and, like other dark honeys, is
high in ash content. Tulip poplar honey is widely available from the north to the south
throughout the midwest.
- Tupelo:
White tupelo is the primary source for the light unblended
honey sold as tupelo honey. It has a very high levulose content, low dextrose and high
maltose count, which make it attractive to brewers. Low ash, high Acids and moderate pH.
- Wildflower:
The range of honeys sold as "Wildflower" is too
great to he characterized by one broad brush statement. The U.S.D.A. included 57
"blend of floral source" honeys in its study, with pH values from 3.67 to 5.30,
ash contents from. 054 to .615, and other swings in other categories. Our experience with
the wildflower honey in our batch was not particularly favorable, and I suspect too much
mineral content, but some of the honeys had values which looked very conducive to good
mead. Caveat Emptor.
- Commercially Blended Honey:
The drawback to much commercially blended honey is that it
has been heat pasteurized, albeit at temps in the 145 F range. The upside is that the
honey is generally buffered through blending to a pH around 3.9, is light amber in color
and therefore free of excessive mineral content, and has been blended to have a neutral
palate and nose. It makes a good base honey, frequently providing quality grading which
assures low moisture content, and color grading for ease of use and good record keeping.
Other Interesting honeys Several other
honeys stood out in the study as having interesting characteristics.
Japanese Bamboo: High Maltose, higher pH, low to medium
ash, high nitrogen.
Alfalfa: high dextrose, low ash, low nitrogen.
Blackberry: High pH (5.0), high Maltose (11.3%), high ash,
high nitrogen.
Blueberry: High Maltose, low acid, higher pH, high
Chinquapin: Low moisture, low dextrose, high maltose, very
high other sugars, very high ash (.761%).
Gallberry: Low acid, higher pH (4.2).
Black Locust: High maltose, very low acid (15.54), very
low ash (.052%), low nitrogen.
Peppermint: High pH (4.7), high acid, very high ash (.473)
Prune: High moisture, high maltose, pH 6.0!, acids very
low (11.80), ash .694%
Sourwood: dextrose low, maltose very high, pH 4.53, acids
16.95, ash slightly high. Very interesting candidate. Highly respected among honey
Vetch, hairy: Average sugar values, low pH, low total
acids, very low ash, low nitrogen.
Due to the unstable nature of honey, the finest honey for
brewing will be honey which is fresh, and which has been extracted and packaged by a
beekeeper who is concerned with the parameters of moisture content and attention to floral
variety documentation which will allow you to be consistent with your recipe formulation.
With more than 200,000 small scale beekeepers in the country, the likelihood of finding
one in your area should be very high. If you have a local beekeepers supply retailer, he
should be able to give you the names of reputable local beekeepers. We also suggest that
you call your state's agricultural extension service. They can provide information on
potential honey suppliers, as well as information on beekeeping clubs, which can in turn
provide information on varietal honey production in your area[12].
Beyond that, however, there are other methods of securing
fresh varietal honey in bulk at reasonable prices. Farmers' markets generally have at
least one quality honey provider; Detroit's Eastern Market has four. If you develop a
relationship with a packager, he will frequently be more than happy to keep you up-to-date
on what is fresh, and which honeys are particularly attractive at which time of the year.
Many beekeepers will have a first extraction of water white premium honey during the
spring, and we have found this to be an excellent source of brewing stock.
Local suppliers are unlikely to provide a full range of
floral varieties, and for that you will need to contact a good packer.
The National Honey Board has a Honey Suppliers Directory
which provides tremendous information. Good bulk suppliers would be the Bees Knees Honey
Factory in Portland, Oregon or the Glorybee Sweetener Company in Eugene; Dutch Gold Honey
in Lancaster, Pennsylvania; Sandt's Honey in Easton, Pennsylvania; McClure's Honey and
Maple products in Littleton, New Hampshire; Highs Hill Honey in Crossville, Tennessee, and
Drapers Super Bee Apiaries in Middleton Pennsylvania. We are sure there are others, but
all of these companies list good selections of varietal honey.
We also suggest you check out the WORLD HONEY JAR, which is
the American Head Association's publication on high quality varietal honey sources. The
A.M.A. is reachable at PO. Box 17511, Boulder, CO 80308.
Honey is not widely considered to be a fragile substance,
but for the purposes of brewing, it should be considered as such. The volatility of the
aroma constituents makes pasteurization an unappealing option, and there are a number of
other problems which can result from age and improper storage.
From the time the honey is produced by the bee, its
constitution is in a constant state of change. Invertase is continually working on the
sucrose content to convert it to levulose. There is additional evidence to indicate that
as much as 9% of the dextrose may be converted to more complex sugars, thus changing the
balance of levulose to dextrose.[1] Additionally, gluconic acid is a primary by-product of
the invertase conversion process, and other acids may be added to the blend as the result
of additional enzymatic activity. Some honeys have an appreciable increase in acid content
during storage. Diastase, due to its own instability, will tend to decrease in storage,
and color in virtually all honey stored at room temperature will darken.
Perhaps the most hazardous of all storage problems is
granulation or crystallization. Honey granulates by building up dextrose around a
"crystal nucleus" of a dextrose crystal, dust particle or pollen grain, and will
crystallize most rapidly when stored at temperatures between 50 F and 60 F, (the optimal
temperature for initialization of crystallization is 41 F to 45 F). Crystallization is
particularly hazardous to unpasteurized honey because the concentration of solids around
the crystal creates a higher moisture content (above asthe critical 18 - 19% level) in the
residual uncrystallized honey. This in turn promotes fermentation, resulting in alcohol
and, in the presence of oxygen, the alcohol will break down to acetic acid and water. If
crystallization is present, and a distinct separation of solids and liquids is apparent,
your honey is at distinct risk of fermentation. The end result is honey which is sour and
definitely not conducive to premium mead creation. The moral of the story is, don't buy
your honey in August, put it in the basement at 55 degrees for months, and then haul it
and brew with it when its old and crystallized. Unless it's there and the only option is
tossing it.
All of these problems can be avoided through immediate use
of fresh honey, or through proper storage of your honey. The ideal temperature for long
term storage is 0 F or below, as honey kept at very low temperatures, even for prolonged
periods, shows little or no degradation of flavor, color, aroma or its other physical
properties. If freezing is not an option, short term storage between 61 F and 80 F is the
best option, and storage above 80 F will cause particularly rapid deterioration of color,
flavor and enzyme content.
There is a continuing battle over the practice of
eliminating risk of infection by a full boil or by heating to a lower temperature for a
prolonged period. The Pros of boiling include guaranteed elimination of biological
contaminants and the proverbial "hot break" which will remove protein and other
colloidal materials in the honey, and the potential for using your heat to sanitize fruit
or other potentially infecting ingredients. The negatives include the driving off of all
volatile aroma compounds, which give fresh honey its distinctive aroma.
On the other side of the debate is
"super-heating," which is generally agreed to be effective if done to the 190 F
range for 10 to 20 minutes. I have used this method with good results, however there is
evidence to indicate that the wisdom regarding superheating may not be correct. Initially,
I would state that the hygroscopicity, low pH and hydrogen peroxide content make honey a
poor candidate for bacterial infection. Therefore the biggest danger of infection comes
from the wild yeasts which are present in honey, especially that honey extracted from
combs which spent a long period of time unsealed or stored in the hive, such as honey from
the previous growing season. Yeast counts can range from 0.1/gram to 100,000/gram, making
yeast control a major consideration.
Minimum Conditions Required to Kill Yeasts in Honey
The temperatures and exposure times needed to kill yeasts in
honey have been proven to be far lower than we mead makers have been using. Dr. White has
noted that honey heated at 145 F for thirty minutes will be free of yeast contamination.
The actual time required to kill yeast is 22 minutes at 140 F, and drops well below 5
minutes at 150 F and above. Using temps in the 145 F range will preserve many of the aroma
compounds, and cuts down on time, fuel usage and the hazards of dealing with large volumes
of boiling-hot concentrated sugar water. As shown in the following graph, sufficient
pasteurization may be achieved in as little as 1 minute at 155F. (Data taken from White,
J.W., The Hive and The Honey Bee, pp 513.)
The use of Sulfites to produce quality meads has the
advantage of ease and lack of heating (avoidance of driving off desirable aroma compounds,
no color change). The minimum threshold for adequate sanitation is 70 ppm, which equates
to 0.4 grams per gallon at pH 3.5. We have seen and tasted many superior meads produced by
this method; Dr. Bill Pfeiffer, a past A.H.A. National Homebrew Competition Head Maker of
the Year swears by it, and his meads are wonderful.
No sanitation at all is one of the experimental efforts
which we intend to pursue, but if you are interested in using this method, we would
recommend that you make an effort to obtain honey which you know was produced and capped
by the bees in short order. This could be accomplished by finding a local beekeeper who is
using his hives for pollination of high nectar producing species such as citrus or tupelo.
Sterile Filtration (Ultrafiltration)
We have had the chance to taste some of the meads produced
by Dr. Robert Kime, Cornell University. He is the foremost advocate of
ultrafiltration[13], which involves filtering with a 50,000 molecular weight filter to
eliminate not only bacteria and yeasts, but all colloidal materials and some proteins as
well. This has produced meads of astonishing clarity which are absent of virtually any
flavor or aroma defects. His data indicate that meads produced by this method are
preferred by 80% of a tasting panel when compared to meads produced by more conventional
The drawback of this process, by our subjective analysis, is
that some and perhaps many of the distinctive and appealing honey characteristics are also
removed. Granted these meads are smooth and pleasant in a very short period of time, but
some of the character seems scrubbed out. True, Dr. Kime did win Best-of-Show in the First
Mazer Cup, but the winner was a pyment of Vignoles grapes, which was very pleasant and
vinous, but not dominated by honey character. This would lend credence to the argument
that the colloidal content of the honey has dramatic and important effects on flavor and
aroma. We believe that Dr. Kime's offerings certainly have commercial potential, but in
much the same way that most commercial wines have established markets in the U.S.
Brewing Mead, Gayre,R & Papazian, C.
All About Mead, Andrews,S.W.
Making Mead, Acton,B & Duncan,P.
Making Wines Like Those You Buy, Acton,B.
American Mead Association
Mead Lovers Digest
Honey is a remarkable liquid. Made by humble insects, it is
far more than a simple mixture of sugars. Honey contains, in addition to a rather complex
mixture of sugars, enzymes, proteins, organic compounds and trace minerals. It is these
interesting compounds, present in minute quantities that give honey its distinctive flavor
and characteristic aromas. Many of these are carried over into a mead produced from these
honeys and lend a similar, recognizable distinction to the finished mead. To produce a
high quality, complex beverage from honey it is our aim to preserve as much of these
distinctive flavors and aromas as is possible.
The subtle nature of honey allows a great deal of latitude
in additives designed to enhance the character and complexity of mead. We have experienced
a great number of fruits, vegetables, herb and spices added to a basic mead with both
overt and subtle results. Thus the addition of various materials leads to a subset
categorical divisions. Show mead is defined as a beverage produced by the fermentation of
honey alone. Nutrients and additive are allowed, but no additional spices, fruits or
herbs. In traditional mead small amounts of fruits, spices and herbs are allowed, but they
must never overpower the honey flavor and aroma. These additives are to play a supportive
role at or below the taste threshold. Pyments, Cysers and Melomels are meads which include
the addition of grapes, apples and other fruits respectively. Metheglin is a mead to which
spices have been added. Hippocras refers to a spiced pyment, and finally Braggot is a
concoction consisting of honey and malt sugars. Clearly there can be many subclasses of
these categories, and therein lies the challenge in judging a mead competition. For
instance, how and in what category should one judge a cherry braggot,or who determines the
threshold levels of a spice?
The history of honey and the making of mead is a long and
rich one, but unfortunately outside of the scope of this article. An excellent source by
Gayre[14] has been recently published and is highly recommended reading.
Many authors recommend the use of fresh honey that has
undergone the least processing possible. With this information we heartily concur. Honey
blends may be consistent, a good base honey for fruit meads, and offer repeatable results,
but it is our contention that far more interest, variety and complexity can be achieved
through the use of pure honey sources. These can then be blended by the meadmaker to
adjust deficiencies, dilute over range constituents or add pleasing aroma and flavor
Water for mead making varies both due to the source and to
the composition of the mead. Honey contains quite variable concentrations of minerals and
ash, water contains quite variable concentrations of minerals. The secret lies in
selecting a honey/water combination hat provides an acceptable balance in the finished
mead. High mineral waters clearly are not desired in high ash honeys. Conversely, since
yeast requires a certain amount of minerals to prosper, a low ash mead and a low mineral
water would also prove unacceptable.
Yeast require nitrogen in the respiratory phase of growth.
Since honey is a poor source of nitrogen mead fermentations without adequate nutrition are
notoriously slow. The addition of yeast nutrients (diammonium phosphate), yeast energizer
(diammonium phosphate, magnesium sulfate, yeast, folic acid, niacin, sodium pantothenate
and thyamine) or yeast hulls is very important to promote complete fermentation. These
materials are readily available and their use is encouraged.
The use of acids citric, malic, tartaric, acid blend, or
lemon juice has been recommended by many authors to balance any residual sweetness in the
finished mead. We agree that some sweet/acid balance is desirable, but feel that it is
optional. Furthermore, the addition of acids pre-fermentation can reduce the pH of the
honey must, resulting in a sluggish fermentation. The pH of honey is already low, and
since there is very little buffering capacity, when fermentation commences, the pH drops
to a range at which the yeast slows. We will expand on this point in the following
section. It has been our experience that addition of acid to a finished mead is a more
reliable method to achieve the desired sweet/sour balance.
Among the more controversial topics in mead production is
that of treatment of must prior to fermentation. We will discuss the benefits and
drawbacks of many of the methods available to the small scale producer. These methods
include boiling, sulfiting, pasteurization, sterile filtering and no treatment whatsoever.
Many excellent texts are available that provide step-by-step methods to produce high
quality meads.[15]
Many authors have advocated boiling the must. While this
technique does possess some distinct advantages as far as coagulation and subsequent
protein removal is concerned, resulting in a more rapid clarification, there are valuable
losses of aroma components that are driven off in the boil. A technique in which the must
is briefly boiled, just long enough for the coagulated protein to be removed then rapidly
chilled, offers a good compromise. This method is simple and straight forward and the
authors continue to recommend it to beginning mead makers with good success.
The use of Sodium metabisulfite or Campden tablets offers
the distinct advantages of no heating and thus no aroma volatilization. This method is
also the most rapid in that the honey may be simply mixed with water and then sulfated.
Yeast may be pitched the following day. Major disadvantages are that some people are
sensitive to these compounds, proper adjustment of addition requires both an accurate
scale and an accurate pH meter and these compounds tend to bleach fruit. Another
disadvantage is that the proteins are not removed and the meads may require fining to
The pH of the must effects the amount of free SO2 present,
thus must be taken into account. Table 2 shows the recommended levels of SO2 to treat
white wine and these values may be directly substituted in a mead. Although these values
represent the optimal levels of sulfite, the authors tend to err on the short side of the
equation, adding at most 1 Campden tablet/gallon. Each Campden tablet contains 0.44 grams
of sulfite, so for those that have an accurate balance the weight in grams of sodium or
potassium metabisulfite may be calculated from the table.
Table 2. pH effect on sulfite additions[16]
pH of must ppm SO2 tablets/gallon
3.0 40 2/3
3.2 60 1 1/3
3.4 70 1 1/2
3.6 80 1 2/3
3.8 120 2 1/2
Pasteurization is the method recommended by the
authors. It is safer, more rapid and less equipment dependent than other methods and
offers a compromise between sanitization and loss of aroma compounds. A disadvantage is
that the proteins are not removed and the meads may require fining to clarify. For the
experimental batches made in preparation for this article we simply brought the water to a
boil and added the honey, allowing the temperature to settle at approximately 160F. In
retrospect, this may have been somewhat higher than needed as data from White3 suggests
that as little as 22 minutes at 140F is sufficient to kill wild yeasts.
A major issue in mead fermentations is the notoriously long
time it can take to reach completion. Fermentation rate is dependent to some extent of the
honey variety, but through proper selection of yeast strains, agitation during
fermentation, yeast nutrition and control of pH, one can dramatically increase the
fermentation rate. Therein lies another controversy; clearly, commercial operations are
interested in rapid fermentations. As small scale mead makers, perhaps the economics of
capital tied up in fermenters is not so problematic. Of more significance is the effect on
flavor. There are some that find the flavor of mead that has had a long, slow fermentation
on the yeast objectionable due to the taste associated with autolysis. Others find the
taste familiar and similar to that of a fine sur lie Champagne in which the toasty/yeasty
flavor of autolysis is a welcome and integral part of the taste profile. The authors
prefer a more relaxed approach which favors long fermentations, although recently we have
been experimenting with accelerated methods.
The single most significant factor effecting the rate of
mead fermentation is yeast health. This may be ensured by providing adequate nutrients in
the form of yeast energizer and yeast nutrients well as careful monitoring of the pH
throughout the fermentation. Most of the required nutrients are available in the
commercial preparations, but other additional nutrients that may be helpful such as
biotin, pyridoxine and peptone. Morse[17] found that the most rapid fermentations were
achieved when a balanced salt, buffer and nutrient additive was used. They report
fermentations to 12% alcohol in less then 2 weeks by using 6.75 g/L of formula 1 and 0.25
g/L of formula 2 as shown below on Table 3.
Table 3. Nutrient Mixtures for Mead Fermentations.
Formula 1 Formula 2
Component Weight/gr. Component Weight/mg
sulfate 1.0 biotin 0.05
K3PO4 0.5 pyridoxine 1.0
MgCl2 0.2 mesoinositol 7.5
NaHSO4 0.05 Calcium
pantothenate 10.0
citric acid 2.53 thiamin 20.00
sodium citrate 2.47 peptone 100.0
sulfate 861.45
The pH of honey is naturally low and since it is
poorly buffered, upon fermentation the pH may drop to a point at which the yeast is unable
to ferment efficiently. The addition of a basic buffer helps greatly by holding the pH to
3.7-4.0 throughout the course of the fermentation. The authors have had success fermenting
a mead to completion in 2 weeks simply by providing adequate nutrition (yeast energizer),
oxygen saturation of the cooled must and the addition of calcium carbonate to hold the pH
above 3.7. Other salts that may be used include potassium carbonate and potassium
carbonate.[18] Care must be exercised because all of these salts can add a bitter/salty
flavor if overused and therefore minimum use of these compounds is recommended.
A large number of yeasts are now available to the small
scale meadmaker for conducting the fermentation. Most wine yeast strains will perform
nicely, and indeed some are very good at fermenting low nutrient musts. There are several
commercial sources for high quality mead yeasts and most of these are now available as
pure cultures on slants, thus eliminating bacterial contamination commonly encountered in
the dry yeast packets. We have discovered, however, that bacterial contamination is a
minor issue in mead fermentations. Of far greater consequence is the potential for post-
fermentation contamination during processing or storage with acetobacter species that may
result in the production of honey vinegar. Most of these problems can be prevented with
good sanitation practices, prevention of aeration during transfer or preventing oxygen
from reaching the mead by keeping carboys or barrels filled.
Since meads generally start out with high sugar content (on
the order of 20%) it is prudent to pitch a large volume of yeast, we recommend pitching
the slurry from a starter prepared that is 10% of the volume of the main fermentation.
On May 2nd 1993 we made 65 gallons of mead in a single, long
afternoon. All yeast was obtained through Yeast Lab or The Yeast Culture Kit Company, and
all were pure cultures from slants or normal production runs in the case of Yeast Lab M61
and M62. All honey was obtained locally or by mail order and in each case we attempted to
purchase the least processed form. In many cases this was unfiltered and unprocessed
therefore we were handling crystallized bricks rather than liquids. All meads except batch
13 were made to the same recipe: 2.5 lb/gal honey, 0.4 t/gal malic acid, 0.4 t/gal
tartaric acid, 0.4 t/gal yeast nutrient and 0.2 t/gal yeast energizer. OG fell in the
range of 1.092 to 1.094, pH 3.55-4.0, TA 0.2-.25. For the blended batch (13) we added all
the remaining honey leftovers and then diluted with water to obtain an OG of 1.130. The
procedure was the same for all batches: we brought the proper amount of acid treated water
to a boil, added the honey and allowed it to pasteurize for 15 min. at 160-170F, cooled to
70F and ran it out into a carboy.
Here is an outline of the project:
# gal Honey Variety Yeast
1 5 Clover Yeast Lab M61-dry mead
2 5 Clover Yeast Lab M62-sweet mead
3 5 Clover Yeast Culture Kit Co.-Riesling
4 5 Clover Yeast Culture Kit Co.-Epernay
5 5 Clover Yeast Culture Kit Co.-Prisse de Mousse
6 5 Clover Yeast Culture Kit Co.-Tokay
7 5 Wildflower Yeast Lab M61-dry mead
8 7.5 Fireweed Yeast Lab M61-dry mead
9 5 Orange blossom Yeast Lab M61-dry mead
10 5 Snowberry Yeast Lab M61-dry mead
11 5 Wild Raspberry Yeast Lab M61-dry mead
12 5 Starthistle Yeast Lab M61-dry mead
13 7.5 Blended Yeast Lab M61-dry mead
We used four 15.5 gal stainless steel kettles equipped
with either propane or natural gas burners. Crystallized honey proved to be difficult to
work with on the 60 lb scale. The only other minor problem aside from slight confusion
during visitation by neighbors (what ARE you doing?), friends (so what is the OG, TG, TOH,
style of beer, of this batch?), daughters (Daddy PLAY with me), wives (explicative
deleted) and occasional hungry hornets (Yikes), was a live ant that was fished out of the
cooled honey must. After a short dinner break at 8PM (we barbecued chicken at the same
time), we had everything washed by 9PM. All carboys were carried down into the basement
and the yeast cultures pitched at 9:30. Arranging and re-arranging the carboys on the
floor so they sat on an insulation of Styrofoam, produced a pleasing array of hues that
ranged from almost water-white (starthistle) to amber (wild flower). After pausing to
ponder and admire the magnitude of our work, we parted, very tired but very satisfied.
Fermentations were all active within 12 hours and were
allowed to proceed at ambient temperatures until the following Spring. The ambient
temperature ranged from 50 to 70F depending on the season and was complete by the end of
the summer. We made no attempt to achieve a rapid fermentation in this experiment. Two of
the batches spontaneously cleared at 7 months: those clover meads fermented with Eperney
and Prisse de Mousse yeast. All were treated with Bentonite and racked to secondary the
following winter. No further clarification was seen, therefore Sparkeloid was added to all
of the carboys. Absolute clarity was observed within 4 days in all batches.
The individual batches were racked to a kegs, blanketed with
CO2 and allowed to condition at cellar temperatures. We have done some taste tests on the
finished meads and will share the analysis and the meads at the 1994 AHA National
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18. Moorhead, D., "The Relationship of pH and Acidity
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