September 1998 Volume 21, Issue 9 Webmaster's Introduction by M. WoodWelcome to the newest edition of the Draught Notice. There are some great articles in this months edition including but not limited to a couple of stewards reports, an article about yeast pitching, and recipes. For those of you who have been considering writting a short article for the newsletter, make the October newsletter your deadline. Try and get that article out so you can say you did it before the end of the year. A quick mention of our web page. We have recently been contacted and have been included as a referrence in a book about web sites for non profits. I hope to pick up the book as soon as the publisher gets it printed so I can bring it in for you all to see. The mentions have to do with our poll we took last year about what direction the website development should take. In addition, we have gotten a number of emails from around the globe from people wanting to know more about brewing. Up to now, I've been solely responsible for writting them back and answering their questions. If you think you would be interested in helping me out in this regard, email me. One of the new items on the website is the growing number of archive editions that I have converted from old copies of the Draught Notice. The new format is Adobe Acrobat, the reader for which can be download for free from their website and the allow you to reprint old issues of the newsletter. Thanks go to Ken Koupal who gave me a file of editions from 93 forward and to Harry Graham for sending me a pre-scanned copy of a 1990's edition. Thanks. Im going to be moving the website soon to a local server in my home to control the website a little more easier and make it easier to maintain. At this point, I am hoping on registering the website with the Internic to obtain our own web address. I was thinking of something like www.draughtboard.org or www.draughtboard.com The price is $35 a year and would make it easier to remember. Of course a link from the old page would be maintained to get people to the site from old links. What are your thoughts? As many of you may have noticed, the website hasn't been updated as often as it had in the past. This is because my responsiblities at home have become more involved with a new family member and mortgage. If you would like to help keep the Draught Board website invigorating and fresh, please feel free to volunteer. All ideas and help is welcome. Michael Wood, webmaster |
Updated: October 28, 1998.