January 1998 Volume 21, Issue1
Full Name:
1. Domestic six row barley...
is larger in kernel size than two row. has more protein content than two row. has less enzymatic power than two row. all of the above. none of the above.
2. Vienna malts are
low kilned at around 120 F then roasted at180 low kilned at around 145 F dried at 120 to 170 then roasted at 178F undermodified and then roasted at 420-450 degrees not kilned at all.
3. If a 5 gallon batch of beer is made from 10# of 2 row (1 lovibond) and 1# of crystal (40 L) the final color of the beer would be:
less than 5 Lovibond 5 Lovibond 10 Lovibond 20 Lovibond none of the above
4. In EBC units, the above beer would be
less than 5 EBC less than 10 EBC less than 15 EBC less than 20 EBC none of the above
5. Which of the following terms is unrelated to hops:
lupulin strobiles cannabis acrospire polyphenols
6. Which of the following are lager yeast strains that cannot ferment isomaltose:
S. cerevisiae Brettanomyces Frohberg yeasts Saaz yeasts none of the above
7. What is the optimal wort pH for Ale yeast growth:
less than 3 around 5 around 7 around 8 greater than 9
8. Which hop growing region is not in Germany?
Saaz Hallertau Hersbruck Spalt Tettnang
9. Which one of the following can cause astringents in ones beer:
using old hops wild yeast infections sparging above 170F improper rinse of chlorines aeration of the hot wort
10. On which continent are you likely to find beer made from sorghum?
North America South America Australia Africa Europe
11. FARO is
a type of wheat an abbreviation for a federal bureau a type of hops a type of beer none of the above
Updated: January 24, 1998.