style was Old & Strong Ales. Bob Jones and Bruce
Brazil started things off with Root Beer, not exactly
within style but interesting. We moved on to Harry's
Scotch Ale. Bob Jones had saved last years 1st,
2nd & 3rd place BABO barley
wines. The first place barley wine, from Tom Altenbach,
was wonderfully balanced having just enough hop
bitterness to counter the sweet malt taste. the second
place (Jerry Burke and the 3rd place were both
highly hopped. Even after a year of bottle conditioning
they were still big in hop character. Bob Jones shared
some of his wonderful barley wine too.
Bruce Brazil
brought OLD HOPHEAD barley wine from Glen Ellen. This had
an off flavor and everyone used the dump bucket and
rinsed their glasses.
Harry Graham
brought his British Style IPA which was made with Scotch
Chariot Malt. A remarkably tasty beer considering the
1.037 starting gravity.
We moved on
to the McEwans Scotch Ale, lovely sweet malty ale and
ended with the Belhaven Scotch Ale which was king of