Celebrating 20 years of
August 1997 Volume 20, Issue
and Events
Pleasure Faire Elizabethan Homebrewing Competition / AHA.
Registration deadline 8/25 and 8/29. First round of
judging on 9/13-14, final on 9/20.
1997 Pacific
Brewers Cup / AHA in Manhattan Beach, CA. Entries due
9/1-9/5, judging at J. T. Garrison Brewery in Gardena on
9/20. The Strand Brewers Club. PacBrew97@aol.com
4th Annual
Queen of Beers Competition. Contact Nora Keller-Seeley,
VP of H. A. Z. E. (Hangtown Association of Zymurgy
Enthusiasts) in Placerville, California. It is only open
to female brewers and it is AHA sanctioned. Complete
rules and entry forms will be available on HAZEs
web site http://haze.innercite.com some time in
mid-August. The women can also have a teambrew and enter
the beer as a club entry. E-mail haze@innercite.com.
Deadline for entries will be October 11th, 1997.
Homebrewed Real Ale Competition, conducted at the Real
Ale Festival, November 7-9, 1997 in Chicago. Registration
November 1, 1997. Served by handpump, just like
commercial cask-conditioned ales. Craft Beer Institute,
Raydan@compuserve.com, 773-665-1300.
AHA club-only
Extravaganza, due 8/4/97.
is Nice, due 10/20/97.
Mania, due 12/1/97.
Activity Calendar
January 11:
Pale Ales
February 1:
1997 National BABO
February 8:
Dark Ales
March 8:
Lager-Ale / Steam. St. George Spirits tour.
April 12:
Dark Lager. Round table topic = Grain.
April 26:
Walnut Creek pub crawl via public transportation.
May 3:
National Homebrew Day
May 10:
Bock tasting. Group Brew-In, Picnic Style, held at
Brewmaster in San Leandro.
June 14:
Light Lager. Round table topic = Equipment.
July 12:
Picnic Style. Round table topic = Water.
August 9:
Wild & Wonderful: Mead, Spiced Ale, Wheatwine.
Picnic, Oak Hill Park, Danville.
San Francisco pub crawl.
13: Belgian
October 11:
Fest. Nominations.
November 8:
Old & Strong Ales. Elections.
13: Holiday Ales. Holiday Party.
otherwise noted, all Club meetings are held at Brewmaster
in San Leandro at 2:00 pm on the 2nd Saturday of each