Draught Notice map v20, i2, B



Who's Thor


Celebrating 20 years of Homebrewing

Febraury 1997 Volume 20, Issue 2

Membership & Dues

The Draught Board reviewed its definition of membership and dues at January’s meeting and unanimously arrived at a solution. Previous interpretations of membership were ambiguous, and the dues structure did not allow the club to plan and fund events.

From the Office of the Treasurer: Voted and approved:

Individual Membership is $20.00 per year, which includes the newsletter.

Couples Membership is $30.00 per year, which includes the newsletter to a single address.

Non-Members can subscribe to the newsletter for $7.00 per year.

Members, whether individual or couples, will not have to pay the $1.00 per meeting that they attend.

Non-members still pay $1.00 per meeting that they attend.

Membership and Newsletter subscriptions will be prorated at 6 month intervals. The first half of the year is full price. The second half of the year is half price.

Benefits: Only Members receive the meeting day discount at Brewmaster.

Only Members will receive club co-sponsoring of club events.

Please send you membership / newsletter money to Bruce with checks made out to The Draught Board.

Bruce Brazil
438 Fairway St
Hayward, CA 94544


Updated: January 08, 1998.