October 1996 Volume 19, Issue 10 Calendar and Events January: Pale Ale February: Dark Ale March 9: Lager-Ale / Steam April 13: Dark Lager May 4: National Homebrew Day May 11: Bock. Group Brew-In at Bob Jones house. June 8: Light Lager July 13: Wheat. Picnic at Harry and Kim Grahams house. August 10: Mead, Spiced Ale, Wheatwine September 14: Belgian October 12: Fest November 9: Old & Strong Ale December 14: Holiday Ales February 1, 1997: BABO Unless otherwise noted, all club meetings are held at the Brewmaster in San Leandro at 2:00 pm on the 2nd Saturday of each month. EVENTS Best of Fest (Vienna, Märzen, Oktoberfest) Club-Only Competition. Entries due 10/21/96. James Spence (303) 447-0816 x 121, James@aob.org. Belgian Blockbuster Club-Only Competition. Entries due 12/2/96. James Spence. San Andreas Malts 18th Annual California State Homebrew Competition (Stern Grove) November 16th. Entries due 10/26/96. Russ Wigglesworth (415) 476-3668 (work). |
Updated: January 08, 1998.