October 1996 Volume 19, Issue 10 Style of the Month Guidlines http://www.mv.com/ipusers/ strange/styles.html AHA 17a) Vienna The classic amber lager style. Originally brewed in 1841 by the famous Austria brewer, Anton Dreher. It has now become rare in Austria. Reminiscent of Oktoberfest but with a less robust sweet malt character. This distinctive style owes much of its character to the method of malting. Vienna malt provides the dominant toasty flavor, aroma, and color. May have low malt sweetness on the palate but should have a fairly dry finish. Low to medium bitterness from "noble-type" hops. This beer is light to medium bodied with a reddish-amber to light brown color. Low hop flavor and aroma from "noble-type" hops put the emphasis on the malt. No fruitiness or esters. Very low diacetyl is OK. Commercial examples: Newman's Albany Amber, Dos Equis Amber, Portland Lager, Ambier Genuine Vienna Style, Negra Modelo, Red Wolf. O.G.: 1.046 - 1.055; Alcohol: 4.5 - 6%; IBUs: 20 - 30; SRM: 10 - 15. AHA 17b) Märzen/Oktoberfest A lager produced in Munich, Germany with a slight to strong malt sweetness, toasted malt aroma and flavor. Origin credited to the famous brewer Gabriel Sedelmayr of the Spaten Brewery in Munich. The style is an adaptation of Vienna Lager. It was found to better suit the Munich water than Vienna Lager. The body is medium. Hop bitterness, which is low to medium, may be sharp but does not linger. The balance is decidedly towards maltiness with just enough bitterness to keep the beer from tasting too sweet. Low hop flavor and aroma from "noble-type" hops is OK. No fruitiness, esters or diacetyl. Can be quite strong in alcohol. The color is amber to deep copper or light brown. Commercial examples: Paulaner Oktoberfest, Harpoon Oktoberfest, Gosser, Spaten Ur-Märzen Oktoberfest, Ayinger Fest Märzen, Samuel Adams Octoberfest, Catamount Octoberfest. O.G.: 1.050 - 1.065; Alcohol: 4.5 - 6.5%; IBUs: 20 - 30; SRM: 7 - 14. |
Updated: January 08, 1998.