Septmeber, 1996 Volume 19, Issue 9 Recipe to Style
by Charlie Webster
Triple -- Charlie's 1995 Christmas Ale
Makes 10
24 lb
Hugh Baird Pilsen Malt
4 lb corn sugar
2 oz Perle @ 9.5%AA for 60 minutes
0.5 oz Perle for 30 minutes
Total approx 30 IBU
Mash the
grain in 35 quarts of water for 70 minutes @ 154 ° F. Acidify the sparge water to 5.3 pH with
lactic acid. Sparge to get 12 gallons of wort.
Boil for 70
minutes. Cool with an immersion chiller.
Pitch each
fermenter with 1 quart of starter using Wyeast Belgian
Ale yeast. Ferment 21 days @ 62-65 ° F.
Prime with 1
cup corn sugar at bottling. OG 1.082, FG 1.018. Bottled
I'll bring a
couple of bottles for tasting at the September meeting.