Septmeber, 1996 Volume 19, Issue 9 August Meeting
by Roger St.Denis, VP &
Chief Steward
Where were
you when the lights went out? I was at the August 'Wild
Fermentables' Draught Board Homebrew Club meeting along
with another 12 members enjoying some of our member's
more exotic brews. I especially look forward to the
August meeting as it gives the mead contingent a chance
to show off their latest creations, trade brewing
techniques, and just plain have a good time. This meeting
was no exception.
We started
off with Harry Graham's 2 braggots. First a light apricot
braggot then a more robust brew to send us into a couple
of Vermont commercial ale-based ciders that John Pyles
brought. This warmed us up for the meads.
We started
the traditional meads off with Bruce Brazil's light
traditional mead which had a pleasant honey nose and
taste. Then, we moved on to this year's BABO 2nd- and
3rd-place winners. Margaret Millspaws Sage Honey
Mead was a sure hit with the wonderful flowery nose,
sweet flavor, light petiance and beautiful clear soft
amber color.
This lead
into Loren and Dale's contribution of their liquid gold
'94 Spiced Apple Mead followed by their '95 version,
which we are assured will age just as well.
Loren and
Dale ran a yeast experiment with their Spiced Apple Mead
which has demonstrated some very interesting results.
They have been enthusiastic about sharing the results
which is a bonus for us all. 5 gallons of must was split
up and 5 separate yeasts were added (champagne, sherry,
ale etc.). They brought samples of the mead fermented
with the champagne yeast and the sherry yeast. The
wonderful spiced apple and currant flavors were evident
in both, but the batch fermented with sherry yeast had
the characteristic sherry/port nose and flavor.
I brought
several of my meads: the 1993 Cherry mead, fermented with
35 lbs of freshly picked cherries; a traditional mead
made in the same way as the one I entered in BABO, big
(OG 1.150) and 18 months old; an orange marmalade mead I
was playing with but that needs more time to soften the
bitterness from the citrus rinds; and a lime mead that
cleared in only about a month and which is very drinkable
after 3 months in secondary.
Mike brought
the lavender mead we've all been hearing about. It's a
big flavorful mead which will age nicely. His wife mixes
in a little Creme de Cassis which makes it especially
It wouldn't
be a beer meeting without some beers. Loren and Dale
brought some Frolick Shipwreck Ale and Mendocino Brown
Ale from their trip north. Bob Jones brought some holiday
beer and his peach wheat beer brewed on National Homebrew
Day. There was Sam Adams Cranberry Lambic, Portland's
Wheat Berry Brew, and San Andreas' Oktoberquake. John
Pyles finished off with his mystery beer.
My notes
indicate we had 23 beers in all, 11 being meads. I hope I
gave credit to everyone that brought something to share.
Many thanks to you all it was an informative and
enjoyable meeting. When did the lights ever come on?