April, 1996 Volume 19, Issue 4 Dark Lager
from AHA internet for
13. German
Dark Lager
a) Munich
These beers
have a pronounced malty aroma and flavor that dominates
over the clean, crisp moderate hop bitterness. A classic
Muenchner dunkel should have a chocolatelike, roasted
malt, breadlike aroma that comes from the use of Munich
dark malt. Chocolate or roast malts can be used, but the
percentage should be minimal. "Noble-type" hop
flavor and aroma should be low, but perceptible. Diacetyl
is acceptable at very low levels. Fruity esters and chill
haze should not be perceived.
Dark brown to
black. Medium body. Roasted malt evident. Low sweetness
in aroma and flavor. Low to medium bitterness. Low
bitterness from roast malt. Hop flavor and aroma,
"noble-type" OK. No fruitiness, esters. Low
diacetyl OK.