February, 1996 Volume 19,
Issue 2 South to Brazil Januarys meeting was moved to Bruce Brazils patio due to cleaning at The Brewmaster, our usual meeting place. Thank you, Bruce, for making your place available at the last moment. Club business focused on membership, revising our mission statement, developing an advertising campaign, assigning last minute details for the Bay Area Brew Off, and sharing homebrews from the style of the month. The revised mission statement is essential for guiding our Club activities. A mission statement is a valuable tool for attracting new members as well. The Draught Board is proud to inform you that it exists ... To promote homebrewing and appreciation of fine beers and meads through a program of education, competition, tasting and social activities. Plans for advertising the Draught Board include posters at places where homebrewers frequent, and fliers which inform and invite homebrewers to attend meetings and activities. Our internet site continues to be a growing source of Draught Board information. We have had 75 new visitors this past month. The Bay Area Brew Off was a successful and fun event. Details of BABO can be found in an article inside this newsletter. Januarys style of the month included AHA styles (5a) Classic English Pale Ale, (5b) India Pale Ale, (6a) American Pale Ale, (7a) English Ordinary, (7b) English Special, and (7c) English Extra Special. Members brought homebrewed samples from almost every category. Score sheets were used to become familiar with styles and judging. It was good experience and most brewers did a terrific job brewing to style. I even learned something about beer infections. The next meeting will be held at The Brewmaster, February 10, 1996, 2 pm. Style of the month will be Dark Ales (Browns, Porters, and Stouts.) AHA descriptions for these styles are included in this newsletter. See you there and bring your Dark Ales! |
Updated: January 08, 1998.