December 1995, Volume 18, Issue 12 Elections & Barleywines
There were
two main events at Novembers meeting: election of
officers and the awesome taste testing of the
high-gravity winter warmers.
Newly elected
Officers for a 2-year term are:
Charlie Webster
President: Roger St. Denis
Bruce Brazil (re-elected)
Ken Koupal (officially elected from a temporary
Harry Graham
retired as President and Paul Marshall retired as Vice
President. Bryan Gros had stepped down as
Secretary/Editor in July due to an out-of-state career
move. Thank you to all the Officers for two years of club
Tom Altenbach
presented a series of three barleywines and three
wheatwines, brewage dated from 1992 through 1995. The
1992 barleywine was extremely tasty. Harry brought two
barleywines (#100, and #150), which were vintage 1992 and
1994, and a wheatwine from 1994 as well. Tom, Harry, Bob,
and Bryan & Lisa entered their barleywines in the
Stern Grove competition. It was fun to taste the
difference age can make to these Winter Warmers. Time
rounds out the character of the high-gravity brews.
supplemental planning meeting was called by Charlie on
November 19th to review the 1996 activity plan. A
schedule of events was "draughted" at Buffalo
Bills in Hayward. This schedule will be presented
as soon as the details are finalized (in December, ready
for action in January).
Next Meeting:
As a reminder, the December event is the Holiday party,
and was moved back from our usual Saturday gathering to Sunday,
December 10th. Inside this newsletter is a map to
Wendells in Danville, and the menu (with club
members specialty brews to complement the meal).
Bob Jones
will bring a CO2 tank with gas connects for
both pinlock and ball-lock kegs, so no one needs to bring
gas. Beers should arrive cold.
Also, the gift
exchange is part of our holiday celebration, and for
those new to the tradition, Kim tells us all about it in
her article.