October 1995, Volume 18, Issue 10 California State Fair
to Tom Altenbach who won two ribbons at the California
State Fair in August --- a second place in Strong Ale
(barleywine) and a third in Bock (dopplebock).
New for this
year was a separate competition for commercial beers
brewed in CA. Tom judged in two homebrew flights, and the
commercial Bock category. Judges included homebrewers,
BJCP judges, and commercial microbrewers. The judges Tom
talked to thought in general that the quality of the
homebrews was superior to the commercial beers judged.
That was also Toms experience, and he greatly
preferred his Tom's Terminator to any of the commercial
bocks he judged, most of which were poor examples of the
AHA 1995 National Homebrew Competition gold medal recipe
for chili beer, in the herb category, can be found in the
1995 special issue of Zymurgy, Vol. 18, No. 4, Pg. 123.